Diaspora-related programme 2018 from Moldova to bring together 100 children from 18 states
13:58 | 31.05.2018 Category: Official
Chisinau, 31 May /MOLDPRES/ - One hundred children from Diaspora and of Moldova have been selected to participate in the sixth issue of the Diaspora*Origins*Returns (DOR) programme, due to be held on 19-28 August 2018, under the patronage of Prime Minister Pavel Filip, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.
Children and young people from 18 states: Ireland, Greece, France, Italy, Russia, Norway, Spain, Germany, United States, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Portugal, Georgia, Canada, Romania, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Moldova, will take part in DOR 2018.
Creative, sports, artistic, linguistic activities, activities of knowledge of the history and culture, cultural visits and meetings with diverse personalities from Moldova will be organized within the programme.
As many as 249 people have registered for the programme; 100 participants were selected, of whom 80 from Diaspora and 20 from Moldova. The principle first come first served was taken into account at the selection of children from Diaspora and those who had earlier not participated in the DOR programme were given priority. In the 2018 issue of the event, children of Moldovan fellow countrymen settled in Norway, the USA, Bulgaria and Georgia registered for the first time ever.
The files of children from Moldova have been selected following a contest, within which they creatively expressed the concept of the DOR programme as regards the migration, in a certain artistic form (essay, poetry, songs, drawing, photos, video).
DOR is an initiative by Moldova’s government which consists in the annual organization, in August, of a summer programme for children of Moldova’s citizens who are abroad. The programme’s goal is to strengthen emotional, cultural and identity relations of the children from the second generation of migrants with their native country, Moldova. The first issue of DOR took place in 2013.