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Moldovan parliament speaker continues backing young talents from Moldova

13:39 | 31.05.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 31 May /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Andrian Candu today handed the First Degree Diploma of Moldova’s Parliament to a pupil of the Ciprian Porumbescu musical lyceum from Chisinau, Catherine Caraman. The distinction was provided for exceptional performances in the music sector, promotion of Moldova’s image abroad and active involvement in charity actions, the parliament’s communication and public relations department has reported.   

At an official ceremony, the parliament speaker said that the small piano player, although she is only 8 years old, had become a perfect professional. “You are an ambassador of Moldova, who makes Moldova famous, and on the eve of the International Children’s Day, I wanted that we necessarily appreciate the nice results achieved in music,” the speaker said.    

At the same time, Andrian Candu offered congratulations to parents, noting that the parliament had already a nice tradition of cooperating with gifted children from Moldova.

For her part, the young piano player thanked the parliament speaker for having made her dream come true to have the diploma of Moldova’s parliament in her prize record. At the same time, Catherine Caraman and the parliament speaker reached an agreement, under which Andrian Candu will help her go to Cannes, France, to participate in a gala of awards of laureates and the young piano player will return to parliament.    

Catherine Caraman is laureate of more than 15 national and international piano contests and festivals from Moldova, Romania, Cyprus, Russia, France, Italy. On 15-20 May 2018, piano player Catherine Caraman represented Moldova by competing with the best 200 young piano players from 27 countries at the most prestigious musical event from Europe – international piano contest from Venice, Italy. Upon her return to Moldova, Catherine Caraman donated the first award won to a charity fund for the treatment of seriously ill children from Moldova.   






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