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Moldovan parliament amends law on electronic communications

16:47 | 07.06.2018 Category: Social

Chisinau, 07 June /MOLDPRES/ – There will be enhanced quality of services provided throughout networks and radio stations. The Parliament has adopted a draft law in final reading on it today.

According to the new legislative regulations, the National Radio Frequency Management and Cyber ​​Security Service (SNMFRSC) will be empowered with additional competencies – measuring and evaluating quality parameters of digital communications services provided throughout networks and radio stations.

According to authors of the project, legislative amendment will provide legal framework required for objective monitoring of quality of electronic communications services, which will help improve quality of voice and data services within mobile networks.

The Government and National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Info Technology (ANRCETI) will bring normative and regulatory acts in correspondence with this legislative change within half a year.

(Reporter A. Zara, editor M. Jantovan)


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