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National commission for collective consultations, negotiations' rights to extend in Moldova

21:29 | 07.06.2018 Category: Social

Chisinau, 07 June /MOLDPRES/ – The social partnership system will be improved and strengthened. A draft law was approved by Parliament in first reading today, amending law on organisation and functioning of the National commission for collective bargaining and consultation (CNCNC), committees of consultations and collective bargaining at branch and territorial levels.

The document implies extension of rights of the National Commission and details of procedures for organising activity of both the National Commission and branch and territorial committees.

Also, old law is supplemented by a new chapter, which will regulate in detail mode of organising bipartite branch committees. These committees will be set up in enterprises where there are no representatives of a social partner.

The new provisions support implementation of Decent Work Country Programme, which has among its priorities elaboration, in agreement with social partners, of a draft law to strengthen state institutions and social partners for an effective social dialogue.

(Reporter A. Zara, editor M. Jantovan)

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