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Moldovan foreign minister meets Moldovan diaspora in Germany

12:23 | 11.06.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 11 June /MOLDPRES/- Foreign and European Integration Minister Tudor Ulianovschi, who was on a working visit to Canada, during the stopover in Frankfurt, had a meeting with representatives of the Moldovan diaspora in Hessen (Germany), the MAEIE’s press service has reported.

The participants exchanged views on the social and economic and political situation in Moldova, the process of institutional reforms, the development of Moldovan-German cooperation in various fields, especially commercial, economic, investment, scientific, cultural, etc.

Ulianovschi praised the achievements got by compatriots employed in German companies in the banking and finance, ICT, engineering, construction (Deutsche Bank, Price Waterhouse Cooper Germany, KPMG Deutschland, Deutsche Bahn, Braun GmbH, etc.), and managed to develop their own businesses in Germany. The participants in the dialogue mentioned the importance of giving the Moldovan diaspora support in the actions to promote Moldova’s image in the state of residence and joint efforts to achieve the desired favorable results.

Diaspora members were informed about “Diaspora Days” in Moldova, which this year will be held on 17-19 August in Chisinau. Ulianovschi encouraged his countrymen to actively participate in this important event, which aims to foster communication between the government and the diaspora, mobilize countrymen associations and strengthen their capacities to set a direct and open dialogue between the authorities and the country’s citizens abroad.

At the end, they identified a number of proposals for boosting the diaspora cooperation with public institutions in Moldova, in particular with the Consulate General and the commercial-economic office in Frankfurt, which will be thoroughly considered and submitted for implementation in the near future.



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