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As many as 150 children from Moldovan capital hospitalized with acute diarrheal diseases in last week

16:14 | 12.06.2018 Category: Social

Chisinau, 12 June /MOLDPRES/ - A number of 209 persons from Chisinau, of whom 150 children, were hospitalized at medical institutions specialized in infectious diseases with acute diarrheal diseases on 4-10 June.

A physician epidemiologist at the Chisinau-based Public Health Centre, Gheorghe Turcu, has said that the number of cases of infectious diseases increased against the last weeks.  

Most cases of acute diarrheal diseases were recorded among children of pre-school age – 150 cases or 71.77 per cent of their total number. The hospitalization rate stood at 57.04 per cent.   

According to Turcu, 50 sporadic cases of acute diarrheal diseases were registered among children attending kindergartens.  

Data by the Public Health Agency shows that the situation in terms of acute diarrheal diseases is regarded as unfriendly in Moldova. About 20,000 cases of diseases are annually recorded, including dozens of deaths in children under the age of five years.

Gheorghe Turcu also said that cholera, dysentery, rotavirus infections, salmonellosis, typhoid fever, yersiniosis were included in the group of acute diarrheal diseases.

The clinic symptoms of this group of infections are different; yet, they trigger high fever up to 40 C degrees, stomachache, nausea, vomiting, general weakness, headache. In children, especially small children up to one year of age, the clinic symptoms are developing quicker than in adults and the health condition may worsen in a short time.  

In the case of appearance of clinic symptoms of acute diarrheal diseases, self-treatment is banned, especially when these symptoms are developing in children. The basic recommendation is urgent consulting of a family physician with the prescribing of the proper treatment.

(Reporter A. Zara, editor A. Raileanu)



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