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Moldovan Railways administration obliged to work out development plan for 2018-2020 by 1 July

14:32 | 12.06.2018 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 12 June /MOLDPRES/- The Administration of the Moldovan Railways (CFM) state enterprise must submit to the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure by 1 July 2018 a development plan for 2018-2020 to review and diminish costs. The current financial and economic situation of the enterprise was examined today by the leadership of the ministry and the CFM administration.

The meeting chaired by Chiril Gaburici focused on difficulties and solutions to their elimination, development priorities and wage coverage mechanisms, as well as wage increases.

"One of the priorities of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure is to optimize the activity of the state enterprise. I urge the CFM administration to take measures to optimize the enterprise on a priority basis. Exact terms have been set and people responsible for the measures to be taken. If the CFM administration does not take action, we will have to take the necessary measures", he said.

Referring to employees' salaries, the Ministry's management reiterated the need to set a wage hike plan for each category of workers.

According to the financial reports of the CFM, the losses from the operational activity of the company in 2016 exceeded 80 million lei, and in 2017 about 29.8 million, but the CFM finally achieved last year a net profit of over 7 million lei. Earlier it was stated that the historical salary debts would amount to 80 million lei.


(Reporter V. Bercu, editor A. Răileanu)


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