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Moldovan Prosecutor General's Office publishes strategy of recovery of bank fraud money

14:52 | 13.06.2018 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 13 June /MOLDPRES/ - The strategy of recovery of the money purloined from Banca de Economii (Savings Bank), Banca Sociala (Social Bank) and Unibank today was made public by the heads of the Prosecutor General’s Office (PG), National Anticorruption Centre (CNA), Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office and the Agency for Criminal Assets Recovery.       

Prosecutor General Eduard Harunjen has told a news conference that the goal of this document is to recover the embezzled means in the maximum possible sum. “The bank fraud comprises a longer period beginning with 2007 till 2014. A big volume of work has been carried out, with more than 200 criminal cases instrumented. In these files, prosecutors documented over 200 persons of Moldova and from abroad,” Harunjen said.    

The deputy head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, Adriana Betisor, said that the total sum of losses from the banking system, triggered by the massive frauds from the aforementioned three banks, amounts to 10.7 billion lei.    

According to Betisor, the beneficiaries of 9.5 billion lei out of the total some have been already identified. “Within investigations, it was found out that two big groups had benefited from the bank fraud: the so-called “Gacikevici group” and the Filat, Platon, Shor group”. Both groups have got financial means through the providing or reception of illegal loans.” Betisor noted.       

For his part, CNA head Bogdan Zumbreanu specified that the publication of this strategy “is a success of the entire team of investigation of this file.”   

The document has more than 30 pages and contains data about the beneficiaries of the fraud and their accomplices, as well as the way the stolen money is to be recovered. The document contains information which represents the secret of the criminal investigation, including the route of the money’s recovery.

(Reporter A. Zara, editor L. Alcaza)







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