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Moldovan-American dialogue on regional security assessed in Washington

10:09 | 27.06.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 27 June /MOLDPRES/- The evolution of Moldovan-American relations in the regional security was assessed yesterday at a meeting between Prime Minister Pavel Filip and the leadership of the US Senate Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security, Ron Johnson and Chris Murphy, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.

The premier thanked for the registration in the House of Representatives of the resolution on boosting Moldova-USA relations and the resolution tabled in the US Congress, which supports the efforts of the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine in ensuring territorial integrity.

At the same time, Pavel Filip thanked the US for supporting the draft resolution on the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of the Republic of Moldova within the UN General Assembly. "The effort is aimed at finding solutions for the Transnistrian conflict, and without the presence of the Russian army in the Transnistrian region this is easier to achieve" he said.

Filip noted that over the past two years there have been several progresses on the Transnistrian dimension: the interconnection of electronic communications has been ensured, a number of problems have been solved in the Romanian language teaching schools in the region, the diplomas awarded by the higher education institutions in Tiraspol, the farmers had access to agricultural land in the security zone and the possibility of entering the international traffic of cars with Transnistrian registration numbers.

Referring to the Moldovan-Russian relations, the prime minister said that they remain complicated, and Moldova wants to have a fair relationship with the Russian Federation, based on mutual respect.

Pavel Filip pointed out that the popularity of the pro-Western course has been increasing recently, with 60% of the population declaring for the pro-Western direction and 34% for the pro-Russian path.

"We are firm in the European and Euro-Atlantic direction. However, Moldova needs US support to make this path irreversible, "said Pavel Filip.

The US officials appreciated progress on the Transnistrian dimension and reconfirmed support for the Western course of Moldova and implementing the reform agenda.




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