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Tyres sold in Moldova to be labelled according to EU standards

13:47 | 29.06.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 29 June /MOLDPRES/ - The suppliers and distributors of tyres will be obliged to sell them only with energy label – identical to the one used in the EU member states. The labels will guide buyers in selecting qualitative tyres – efficient in terms of consumption of fuel, safer and with a low level of noise. These provisions are contained in a regulation on the labeling of tyres, approved by the cabinet today, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.    

The document sets the duties of the traders of tyres, ways of testing and the parameters according to which the tyres will be classified. Also, the document envisages the introduction of information on tyres in all promotional materials distributed at sales points, and compulsorily on the label. The stocks of unlabelled tyres are to be exhausted during one year after the publication in the Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial).    

Thus, the label glued on the rolling band will contain data on the class of efficiency of fuel consumption, class of adhesiveness to a wet surface and class of exterior rolling noise. According to the first two parameters, the tyres will be given one of those seven classes, from A to G, and the value of noise is to be indicated in decibels. The truthfulness of the classes declared will be checked by the Agency for Consumers’ Protection and Market Supervision.     

The choosing of superior A class tyres will allow the driver keeping more control over the vehicle and economizing fuel. At the same time, the car will eliminate less polluting gases and will make less noise, thus the noxious effect on residents being reduced.   

Estimative analyses show that the switch of touring cars registered in Moldova from the inferior class tyres to superior class ones, in conditions of an annually covered distance of 10,000 km, would make savings of fuel of 5.4 thousand tons per year or more than 86 million lei yearly. Moreover, the aforementioned economizing of fuel would cut the volume of CO2 emissions by over 13,000 tons.


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