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Moldovan State Chancellery's territorial office has new deputy head

18:53 | 29.06.2018 Category: Social

Chisinau, 29 June /MOLDPRES/ - The Orhei territorial office of the State Chancellery has a new deputy head – Oleg Tudosan. The cabinet of ministers approved his appointment to office today.   

Tudosan was appointed after the government also today had ruled to dismiss from office the former deputy head of the Orhei territorial office of the State Chancellery, Lorete Anton.   

According to the government’s secretary general Lilia Palii, Oleg Tudosan was selected following a public contest. He has a working experience of nine years within local public administration authorities.   

At a today’s meeting, the cabinet also decided to dismiss Elena Frumosu from the office of deputy general director of the State Archive Service, based on an application submitted.  

(Reporter N. Sandu, editor L. Alcaza)



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