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Moldovan north – eastern customs office of wharf type resumes activity

10:46 | 04.07.2018 Category: Social

Chisinau, 04 July /MOLDPRES/ – The Soroca customs office of wharf type has resumed its activity today and operates normally.

According to the Customs Service’s information and media communication service, the traffic through this post was stopped on 30 June, due to the water level increase in the Dniester river.

At present, for similar reason, circulation through the Cosauti customs station remains suspended.

Interviewed by agency, spokesman for the Customs Service (SV), Cristina Rau, said that during traffic suspension, people may choose two other nearby customs stations: Soroca (wharf) or Otaci (road).

The water level in the Dniester river has risen since precipitations have fallen within recent few days on territory of Moldova and in neighbouring states.

(Reporter A. Ciobanu, editor L. Alcaza)


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