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Moldovan PM affirms torments victims of deportations suffered still open wounds, part of us today

14:27 | 06.07.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 06 July /MOLDPRES/ – "The drama of deportations, terrible torments which those persons had suffered are still open wounds, but they are our injuries and they are part of what we are today. That is why it is important not to forget. Let us remember those persons yearly and the place they hold in our history," said Prime Minister, Pavel Filip, at the event of commemorating the victims of Stalinist deportations, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

The PM noted that the political repression of July 1949 remains a tragedy of our nation, and the way people were treated, terrible conditions and deportation of deportees, still provoke pain and fear for the whole people. According to Premier, Stalinist deportations have struck in the Romanian foundations, in everything related to culture and values, political repressions being applied to those uncomfortable through the mentality of Soviet regime.

"There was left behind a Moldova in which people had lost their points of orientation, and they lost their community leaders. We often ask why we do not succeed or why we remain behind other countries. The answer is simple – because the best ones were raised, those which could guide us further. They were deported so that the remaining ones could be manipulated more easily and silenced," said Pavel Filip.

The head of Executive underlined that those which had suffered from political repression would still benefit from state support. Related to it, the Government has recently approved a social package, which includes additional facilities: free prophylactic medical exams, 50 per cent discounts on sanatorium tickets and completion of new ID cards. Also, the monthly allowance increased from MDL 100 to MDL 500 and material aid increased to MDL 1000. "It is important for us to have the necessary assistance and know that we think of you. Those which stand in front of us, survivors, for you are our true inspiration," said PM.

During the event, PM and cabinet ministers read the names of persons which had suffered from political repression. That action will continue, at Government, but also in districts of Moldova, throughout the day. Also, the government team deposited flowers at monument "Trenul Durerii" (The train of pain) on railroad station square, built in memory of victims of communist regime deportations.

The mass deportations took place in three successive waves – two in 1949 and one in 1951. The deportations of 05 – 06 July 1949, known as "IUG", represent the second and largest wave of deportations. The victims of Stalinist deportations are commemorated yearly on 06 July, which is declared the national mourning day.





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