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Moldovan parliament takes note of resignation of top court judge

13:46 | 12.07.2018 Category: Social

Chisinau, 12 July /MOLDPRES/ - The parliament today took note of the resignation of a judge of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ), Iuliana Oprea.   

The magistrate submitted the application on resignation back in last April and the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) accepted it at that time too. Subsequently, CSM ruled to extend the mandate of Iuliana Oprea until the parliament appoints a new judge to office at CSJ.  

Iuliana Oprea has been working at CSJ in the last 13 years and has been judge for 36 years, being appointed to the position of magistrate in 1982. Oprea started her career at the Anenii Noi court and after eight years, she was appointed head of the concerned court. Afterwards, she worked at the Buiucani district Court of Chisinau and the Chisinau-based Court of Appeal.  

(Reporter A. Zara, editor M. Jantovan)


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