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Agreement on organization of International Wine Tourism Conference to be published in Moldova's Official Journal

12:01 | 26.07.2018 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 26 July /MOLDPRES/ - The law on the ratification of the agreement between Moldova’s government and the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) on the organization of the third International Wine Tourism Conference will be published in the 27 July issue of Moldova’s Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial).

The agreement was signed on 20 April. Under the document, the third International Wine Tourism Conference of the World Tourism Organization will take place in Chisinau on 6-7 September 2018.

The event’s goal is to promote the wine tourism, including with the participation of Moldovan companies from the wine-making and vine-growing sectors, as well as of the inbound tourism sector.

Actions to promote the wine and vine tourism will be organized at the meeting: novelties in the field, workshops, visiting tourism attractions, exchange of experience.  

High-ranking tourism sector officials from the European Union, Commonwealth of Independent States and other countries, professionals in the field, representatives of all wine and vine countries of the world will participate in the event.

Presently, about 20 wineries from Moldova provide tourist services to foreign visitors. In 2017, Moldova organized and hosted the 61st meeting of the UNWTO Regional Commission for Europe, which contributed to the country’s promotion as an attractive tourism destination.   

(Reporter A. Ciobanu, editor A. Raileanu)



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