Campaign of promoting public libraries launched in central Moldova town
10:52 | 27.07.2018 Category: Culture
Chisinau, 27 July /MOLDPRES/ - In the context of the national awareness raising campaign, E biblioteca mea! (This Is My Library!), the Novateca Programme, in partnership with the mayoralty of the central Ialoveni town, on 26 July organized an event of presenting modern services provided by the Petre Stefanuca town library from Ialoveni. This is one of those over 1,000 modernized public libraries of Moldova.
At the event, the director of the library, Valentina Plamadeala, said that, due to the support provided by Novateca Programme, the institution was hosting an animated club, a workshop of interactive games, a robotics club, as well as a library for babies specially arranged, meant to help parents with children. The library has two branches: Spiridon Vangheli and Nicolae Titulescu. According to Plamadeala, 34 libraries work in the Ialoveni district, of which 27 mixed ones, four libraries for children and three for adults. The libraries are endowed with 163 computers connected to Internet, tablets and sets of robots.
Moreover, in 2017, the parliament adopted a new law on libraries, meant to legislate the model of modern library promoted by the Novateca programme, in partnership with the Education, Culture and Research Ministry, thus guaranteeing the sustainable development of these institutions and getting the community closer to the library. Thus, services like free of charge access to Internet, diverse qualification courses, courses of programming, robotics, modern and multifunctional rooms, lessons of foreign languages and many other things are now available for the library’s users. These aspects of the new law were discussed in detail at a panel of debates. The participants in the discussions highlighted the main elements of the law and its impact in ensuring a sustainable development of Moldova’s libraries.
The campaign of promoting public libraries, E biblioteca mea! (This Is My Library!), brings in the focus of citizens, public authorities and libraries’ staff a multitude of opportunities offered by the current public libraries. The campaign is also set to promote the provisions of the new law on libraries and to persuade citizens and local public authorities to become backers and reliable partners of the libraries from the community.
(Reporter N. Roibu, editor A. Raileanu)