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Moldovan writer commemorated at 80 years of birth

19:11 | 16.08.2018 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 16 August /MOLDPRES/ – A literary medallion named: Gheorghe Madan – 80 de ani de la nastere (Gheorghe Madan – 80 years of birth) took place today at the Union of Writers of Moldova (USM). It was also opened a photojournal exhibition here, devoted to the late writer.

The event was organised by USM and National Museum of Literature Mihail Kogalniceanu.

Interviewed by agency, President of USM, Arcadie Suceveanu, said that Gheorghe Madan was a destiny of writer which gave our literature sketches, essays, short stories and novels. "He excelled in historical prose. He published two novels: "Spicul visului" (The spike of the dream) and "Crucis de sabii" (The cross of swords) about life and work of Dimitrie Cantemir. He persevered on historical thread and presented epic memorable scenes of great authenticity," mentioned Arcadie Suceveanu.

At his turn, literary critic, Ion Ciocanu, said that Gheorghe Madan left some unpublished novels, so he has to be yet rediscovered. Within context, writer Titus Stirbu pointed out that Gheorghe Madan collected in Calarasi district a variant of Miorita ballad, published in 1958 in Bucharest, considered to be one of the best of over 1,000, edited in a book by Adrian Fochi.

According to director of National Literature Museum M. Kogălniceanu, Vasile Malanetchi, Gheorghe Madan was an honest, fair and principled man which, while being at the head of museum, was actively involved in the institution work, protecting and promoting members of staff.

Gheorghe Madan was born on 16 August 1938 in village Truseni, Straseni district. He graduated from Chisinau State University (USC) (1960). He was a teacher, director of school, editor of newspaper "Zorile Moldovei" (The dawn of Moldova) in Cimislia and "Tinerimea Moldovei" (The youth of Moldova), then director of Museum of Literature D. Cantemir. He published books: "Lumina umbrelor" (The light of shadows), "Lebada neagra" (The black swan), "Constantin Voda cel tanar" (Constantine Voda the young), "Gradina de cirese coapte" (The garden of ripened sweet cherries), "Caii albi ai Imparatului Negru" (The white horses of Black King), etc. He was awarded honorary title: Om Emerit (The honoured man) and order: Gloria Muncii (The glory of labour). He died on 13 June 2018.

(Nicolae Roibu, editor M. Jantovan)



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