Moldovan National Library, Novateca Programme sign Memorandum of Understanding
21:00 | 17.08.2018 Category: Culture
Chisinau, 17 August /MOLDPRES/ – The National Library of Moldova (BNM) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Novateca Programme today.
The document was signed by director of Novateca Programme, Evan Tracz, director of BNM, Elena Pintilei, and on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research (MECC) – by State Secretary General, Igor Sarov.
According to director of BNM, Elena Pintilei, the objective of this Memorandum is strengthening of cooperation between parties as to ensure modernisation of public libraries by implementing effective practices for measuring performance and impact of libraries using online tools for collecting statistical data and strengthening their skills in the field as well as provide them with licenced software needed for functioning of IT.
"Novateca is a programme aimed at facilitating transformation of libraries in Moldova into vibrant community institutions. The signing of this Memorandum will permit the continuation of the process of modernising public libraries by ensuring implementation in practice of international standards, ensuring universal access to relevant info resources for continuous professional development of librarians, as well as capitalising on practices used by Novateca programme," said Elena Pintilei.
In order to continue with the above – mentioned activities, Novateca donated to the National Library a state – of – the – art server worth MDL 300,000.
Attending the event, State Secretary General of MECC, Igor Sarov, thanked director of Novateca Programme, Evan Tracz, for this investment, noting that it would contribute to development of BNM, which also has a training centre continuum of librarians, as well as of entire network of public libraries.
At his turn, Director of Novateca Programme, Evan Tracz, expressed his gratitude for the support he had received over the last five years from the line ministry, while pointing out that now the National Library has all the necessary tools for its development and libraries in Moldova.
The Novateca programme has been operating in Moldova since 2012 and it is implemented by IREX Moldova, supported by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in cooperation with the US Agency for International Development. Over recent few years, there have joined 1,070 public libraries the Novateca network, with modern equipment (over 4,000 computers and tablets, 19 sets of robotics and three FabLab small – scale production workshops). Also over 1,500 librarians have been trained within 38 National and Regional Vocational Training Centres, receiving formal, non – formal and informal education.
(Reporter N. Roibu, editor A. Raileanu)