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Countrymen from over 20 states attend Diaspora Congress 2018 in Moldova

20:07 | 17.08.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 17 August /MOLDPRES/ – Over 140 Moldovan citizens settling abroad have attended the 8th issue of Diaspora Congress today, the government's communication and protocol department has reported.

The event under auspices of the Government is organised once in two years, within Diaspora Days, by the Office of Diaspora Relations (BRD) of State Chancellery. The Congress is a platform for discussion between Government and Diaspora upon promoted policies for Diaspora, but also the impact of migration on economic, social and political processes of Moldova.

The issue 2018 brought together the representatives of Diaspora – leaders of associations and initiative groups, representatives of central and local public authorities, as well as our fellow countrymen established in France, Russia, Portugal, Italy, Poland, GB, Denmark, Latvia, USA, Canada, Ireland, Lebanon, Greece, Lithuania, Spain, Belgium, Slovakia, South Korea, Czech Republic, Germany, Kazakhstan, Georgia.

At opening of Congress, the Minister of Education, Culture and Research, Monica Babuc, referred upon the event importance, noting that its objective was to create an indestructible link between those which left Moldova and the ones remained to build a democratic and European state. Within context, Monica Babuc specified that the activity of Government would be further oriented towards implementation of important projects aimed at changing the quality of life in Moldova and persuading Moldovans to return home.

The Programme for Congress participants will continue with seven thematic workshops on more topics: economic programmes and investment opportunities for Diaspora in Moldova, techniques of making, leadership in Diaspora communities – capitalising on contribution of talented youth, didactic process based on the Romanian Language Curriculum for Diaspora Educational Centres, promotion of image of Moldova internationally by Diaspora, social security of migrants and good practices of Diaspora involvement in development of localities in Moldova.

Also, it is organised exhibition: Moldova de oriunde (Moldova from anywhere) at Congress where Diaspora members represent the country of origin at exhibition stands with promotional materials and gastronomic goods.

Traditionally, Diaspora Days are held yearly at the end of the third week of August. Within upcoming few days, there will take place Diaspora Cup in minifootball and official opening of the sixth issue of DOR Programme. The Diaspora activities are organised to strengthen communication between the Government and Diaspora, mobilise Diaspora and civil society associations for sustainable development of Moldova and build bridges for Moldovan citizens, no matter where they are.








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