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Singer Vali Boghean to perform concert in Orhei

13:28 | 22.08.2018 Category: Culture

Chisinau, 22 August /MOLDPRES/- Singer and instrumentalist Vali Boghean and his band will perform a concert entitled ”Dor călător” in Butuceni village, Orhei district, on 23 August at 16.00.

The concert aims to promote small entrepreneurs in rural areas.

On 24 August at 15:00 – an exhibition „Eterna frumusețe a naturii” will be staged at the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History, which is organized on the 27th anniversary of Moldova’s independence.

On 25 August at 18:00 – a concert of music and poetry by Mihail Secichin (piano), Serghei Varsanov (tenor), Iurie Portnâh (bass), Sofia Donica (soprano) and others at the National Philharmonic "Serghei Lunchevici".

On 26 August at 11:00 – the show “Cine-i rea și cine-i bună” (Who's Bad and Who's Good) by Ion Creanga at the Guguta theatre.


(Reporter N. Roibu, editor M. Jantovan)


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