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Flower sellers to be subject of controls within start of new study year in Moldova

14:26 | 31.08.2018 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 31 August /MOLDPRES/ – The flower sellers will be subject to more controls in the context of the start of the new study year. These ones will be carried out by collaborators of the State Tax Service (SFS) on 02 – 03 September.

Thus, the operational tax controls will be carried out with establishment of tax posts for taxpayers selling flowers in authorised markets. The decision was taken "to counter the phenomenon of tax evasion, which is manifested by activating the illicit commercialisation of flowers on the "first bell" eve", stated the press release of SFS.

"The action is organised in the context of growing demand for fresh flowers, which increases the risk of tax evasion by practicing illicit entrepreneurial activities or by partially documenting sales as to reduce the amount of taxes and duties related to the National Public Budget (BPN)" added the quoted source.

(Reporter N. Sandu, editor A. Raileanu)


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