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Regulation on conditions of introducing medical devices on market published in Moldova's Official Journal

15:07 | 07.09.2018 Category: Social

Chisinau, 7 September /MOLDPRES/ - A regulation on the conditions of introduction of medical devices on market was published in the Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial) of Moldova.   

The document sees that only the devices accompanied by special marking will be allowed to be introduced on market; this means the fact that the concerned devices were subjected to the assessment of the conformity.

The Regulation also reads that the producers with the headquarters in Moldova, which introduce devices under their own name on market, are obliged to register them, so that they are subsequently introduced into the State Register of Medical Devices.   

The activities dealing with the state control and market supervision will be carried out by the National Agency for Public Health, jointly with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency.  

A regulation on the conditions of introduction on market of the medical devices for the in vitro diagnosis was published in the Official Journal today too.  

(Reporter N. Sandu, editor L. Alcaza)



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