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Government to earmark 200 million lei to modernize auo stations, bus terminals in Moldova

17:30 | 12.09.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 12 September /MOLDPRES/ - The auto stations and bus terminals will have a modern infrastructure and the quality of serving passengers will be improved. Those 30 branches of the state enterprises „Gările și Stațiile Auto” (Auto Stations and Bus Terminals) will be renovated in three years at the earliest, based on a public-private partnership. The cabinet today approved a decision on the goals, conditions of the partnership, as well as the general requirements dealing with the selection of the private partner, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.       

The draft sees transmission to the private investor, for a 25-year period, of the rights of operating the services provided by the state enterprise Auto Stations and Bus Terminals, as well as the assets needed to provide these services. The private partner will make from its own sources investments worth about 200 million lei for works of repair, reconstructions, purchasing last generation IT equipments and technologies.   

At the same time, as counter-performance for operating public services, the private partner will annually transfer almost five million lei to the state budget, by ensuring a yearly 5-per cent increase of this indicator. About 250 million lei will be collected in the state budget in 25 years, according to estimations.   

Following the draft’s implementation, the work of the branches of the state enterprise Auto Stations and Bus Terminals will be optimized through the diversification of the activities managed by the enterprise, as well as ensuring a qualitative serving of passengers and in safety conditions.   



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