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Cabinet decision on increase of teachers' salaries published in Moldova's Official Journal

15:23 | 14.09.2018 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 September /MOLDPRES/ - The decision on the approval of amendments made to some government decisions, which sees the increase of teachers’ salaries as of 1 September 2018, was published in the Official Journal (Monitorul Oficial) of Moldova today.  

The document stipulates that the office salary of the teachers and scientific and didactic staff from the education institutions financed from the state budget will be indexed by 8 per cent.

Thus, the office salary of a rector will grow up to 6,460 lei, of a university professor – up to 4,840 lei. The salary of the university lecturers will increase by 325 lei and the lecturers’ salary will rise by 300 lei. Also, the wages of the employees from the general and vocational education will increase as well. The decision will enter into force on 24 September 2018.       

A decision, which provides for the fact that the employees carrying out the technical service and who ensure the work of the local public administration authorities will benefit from monthly stimulation payments worth up to 15 per cent of the office salary, was published in the Official Journal today too. The document will enter into force on 17 September.   

(Reporter N. Sandu, editor M. Jantovan)



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