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Moldovan Democratic Party informs about reshufflings due to be made to cabinet

20:35 | 14.09.2018 Category: Political

Chisinau, 14 September /MOLDPRES/ - The leader of the Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM), Vlad Plahotniuc, after a today’s meeting of the PDM National Political Council, informed that cabinet reshufflings would be made. 

According to Plahotniuc, the changes in the government’s composition will be announced on 18 September. The decision was taken following an assessment of the cabinet’s work.   

„We have completed a new evaluation of the government’s activity, an assessment which we made with experts and citizens. The cabinet of ministers has made a lot of good things, in most sectors, decision-makers changed things for the better. Yet, there are fields in which, although many reforms have been carried out, our expectations are much higher. If we committed to develop these fields in continuation and meet people’s expectations, then we must bring new people, who could do this, to the governmental structures too,” Plahotniuc noted.     

The Democrats’ leader specified that Prime Minister Pavel Filip had asked for possibility to change the government’s composition, “in order to enhance the performance of the team he leads.”     

(Reporter N. Sandu, editor M. Jantovan)




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