Chinese city hall to back projects on twinning of free economic zones from China, Moldova
15:52 | 18.09.2018 Category: Official
Chisinau, 18 September /MOLDPRES/ – Tianjin City Hall will support twinning projects of free economic zones (ZEL) in China with those in Moldova, which will allow the expansion of the presence of national companies from China and Moldova on the markets of both countries. The statement was made by Tianjin City Mayor, Zhang Guoqing, during a meeting with Foreign Affairs and European Integration Minister, Tudor Ulianovschi, paying a working visit to China, the MAEIE’s public diplomacy, strategic communication and media interaction service has reported.
"As port in Tianjin, the 10th largest seaport in the world, so the renowned wine warehouses stored in Tianjin city, can serve as a bridge in China to expand Moldovan wine promotion networks," said the mayor of Tianjin city at the meeting with the head of Moldovan diplomacy. In the opinion of Mayor Zhang Guoqing, the presence of the Moldovan Foreign Minister at the Annual Meeting of New Champions 2018, also called Summer Davos, offers the possibility to senior Chinese officials to revive trade and economic relations with Moldova and rare opportunity to discover its charm, strategically located between the East and the West.
During the meeting, the head of the Moldovan diplomacy reviewed the main measures implemented by the Government of Moldova for the business environment and attracting foreign direct investments, especially for the residents of ZEL and industrial parks, etc. In this context, Minister Tudor Ulianovschi sent a message to regional companies to come up with investments in Moldova, noting that Moldova, due to free trade agreements with EU, CIS and other states, is a good bridge for expansion of commercial – economic relations in both the West and the East.
The two officials agreed to organise a forum on investment opportunities in Moldova in the near future in Tianjin and promotion of organic agricultural and wine products on the Chinese market.
Tianjin city is part of the Beijing-Tianjin-integrated development project in Hebei Province, a national strategy to create a Gloabl City in these three areas. Tianjin port maritime routes nowadays reach all major world ports, included in the Silk Road. For now, Tianjin has three core development strategies: Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integrated Region, construction of a Demo Zone of Invocations and Binhai New Area (industrial cluster, consisting of 11 cities, each with a population of over 1,000.000 persons. Today, Tianjin city recycles 98 per cent of industrial, agricultural and forestry waste.