Number of inmates decreasing in Moldova - Justice Ministry
15:19 | 20.09.2018 Category: Social
Chisinau, 20 September /MOLDPRES/ - The number of inmates has dropped and 97 ones were given milder punishments, six months after the entrance into force of the law on humanization of the criminal policy.
According to the Justice Ministry’s press service, 7,319 persons were detained in Moldova’s penitentiaries on 1 July 2018, - by 549 ones less against the same period of the year before.
Thus, by the amendments made to the Criminal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Enforcement Code and Contravention Code, a string of functional mechanisms on serving the term were implemented and more blockages were removed. The main amendments deal with the strengthening of the role of law court in individualizing the punishment, conditioned release before term, replacement the part of non-served term by a milder punishment, conviction with the partial suspension of serving term in prison.
Experts of the Norwegian Mission of Rule of Law Advisers to Moldova (NORLAM), who stayed in Moldova on the period 2007-2017, contributed to the working out and promotion of the law on humanization of the criminal policy.
(Reporter A. Zara, editor M. Jantovan)