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Area of Free Economic Zone from north Moldova city to be extended by 26 hectares

18:06 | 24.09.2018 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 24 September /MOLDPRES/ – The Cabinet of Ministers decided at its meeting today to tramsmit to the administration of the Free Economic Zone (ZEL) Balti a 23 hectare plot of agricultural land located in the outskirts of village Crihana Veche, Cahul district. Thus, the highest development free economic zone (ZEL) Moldova will expand its activity and attract new investors.

According to the project, the land will be transferred from the administration of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research (MECC), under the management of the State University Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu in Cahul, in the administration of ZEL Balti. In order to be rented, the land currently assigned to the public domain of agricultural use will be transferred to the private domain, while maintaining the public ownership of the state, and its destination will be changed.

The land will be transferred to ZEL Balti "in order to expand the free zone and its activity, as well as to attract advanced investments and technologies, to create new jobs, to establish new production capacities in the machine building industry and their components, to expand the export potential". According to preliminary calculations of ZEL Balti, it has been demonstrated that the realisation of the economic projects on the land to be transmitted will allow to increase both the investment potential of the free zone in private and of the Cahul district as a whole.

Recently, the territory of ZEL Balti was expanded by another 12 land, located in different regions of Moldova. Their total area is about 36 ha.

The data from the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure (MEI) shows that there were invested in the free economic zones in total amount of $64.5 million in 2017, 42 per cent of which in ZEL Balti.

At the end of last year, ZEL Balti had 55 resident companies, total investments of which amounted to $162 million. The residents of the area created over 6,200 direct jobs with an average salary of over MDL 11,600. The total turnover of ZEL Balti residents rose in 2017 to over MDL 4 billion, of which 2.75 billion lei – sales  of industrial production.

(Reporter V. Bercu, editor L. Alcaza)


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