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Moldovan parliament maintains vote for three laws turned down by head of state

16:01 | 04.10.2018 Category: Political

Chisinau, 4 October /MOLDPRES/ - The MPs today maintained their earlier expressed vote for three drafts rejected by the head of state. It is about the amendment of the Labour Code, change of the Audiovisual Code and transmission of the ground of the former Republican Stadium, involving certain obligations, spending and tasks.    

The drafts will be submitted to President Igor Dodon for promulgation.

Thus, the lawmakers kept their vote for the draft which provides for the transmission of the former Chisinau-based Republican Stadium, involving certain obligations, spending and tasks, for the construction of a new headquarters of the Embassy of United States.  

Also today, the parliament maintained the earlier vote given for the amendment of the Audiovisual Code, which sets sanctions imposed against TV and radio  broadcasters which committed infringements in covering elections.  

The parliament also kept the earlier expressed vote for the completion of the Labour Code with norms seeing that, on 9 May, besides the Victory Day, the Europe Day will be marked as well.

Under the Constitution, the Moldovan president, if having objections to a law, has right to submit it to parliament for re-consideration in a period of two weeks at the most. If the parliament maintains the earlier vote, the president promulgates the law.  

(Reporter A. Zara, editor L. Alcaza)



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