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Roaming tariffs might be removed between Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova

15:15 | 05.10.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 October /MOLDPRES/ - The citizens of Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova might speak by phone without paying roaming tariffs. The subject was discussed at the meeting of the heads of government of the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development (GUAM) today, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.

„A new subject was opened at this summit today: possibility of removing the roaming tariffs within the GUAM member states. Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova hold these discussions within the Eastern Partnership with the European Union. And why not, we ruled give an example: how quickly can we move within the GUAM platform. This is a subject which is to be prepared and discussed also at the subsequent meetings,” Prime Minister Pavel Filip said at a joint conference of the four officials.  

PM Pavel Filip discussed the removal of the roaming tariffs between Romania and Moldova with Romanian Minister of Economy Danut Andrusca, on a visit to Chisinau in last May. Also, the topic on removing the roaming tariffs within the European Union member states was also discussed at the Eastern Partnership summit in Brussels, in which the prime minister participated as well.   







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