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Moldova's delegation to Joint Control Commission has new expert

19:02 | 11.10.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 11 October /MOLDPRES/ - The Joint Control Commission (JCC) today held a meeting chaired by the head of Moldova’s delegation, the Reintegration Policies Bureau has reported.  

At a proposal by Chisinau, JCC approved as expert the chief commissary, head of National Patrol Inspectorate of the Moldovan Interior Ministry’s General Police Inspectorate Liviu Baziuc.   

Subsequently, the commission heard a weekly report by the Joint Military Command on the situation in the Security Zone on the period 3-9 October 2018.

During the discussions, Moldova’s delegation appealed to all JCC components with a declaration on a new case of infringement of citizens’ rights and freedoms by Transnistrian power-wielding forces in the Security Zone. The declaration refers to a case from 3 October, when workers of the Contava Com Ltd company were detained. They were carrying out works in the Corjova village, eastern Dubasari district, within a social project on arranging this settlement.

In the context of the aforementioned incident, Moldova’s delegation repeatedly intervened with a proposal to jointly work out a new mechanism of activity of the Joint Military Command, due to ensure a quick reaction of the military observers and commands within the peacekeeping mission in the case of illegitimate actions carried out in the Security Zone by the power-wielding forces and para-military formations unassigned to the Peacekeeping Forces.

The next JCC meeting will be held on 18 October 2018.



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