Agro-industrial park from north Moldova district to export first batch of apples to Saudi Arabia
18:47 | 02.11.2018 Category: Official
Chisinau, 2 November /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister Pavel Filip today visited the Logistic Agro-Industrial Park from the Sangerei town, which will export the first batch of apples to Saudi Arabia next week, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.
The PM showed interest in the work of the enterprise, opened in 2017 within the project, Development of the farming sector through the creation of a cross-border agricultural network, carried out with the support of the European Union. The enterprise is placed on an area of 1.58 hectares. A fridge with a capacity of 1,600 tons, meant for the preservation of fruits and vegetables, as well as a sorting line work here. Presently, six agricultural producers from five districts preserve their apples and plums here.
A training centre for farmers works on the territory of the enterprise too. Farmers can benefit from consultancy and trainings for the implementation of European technologies of preservation, sorting and packing of farming products.
The prime minister said that he wanted such parks to work throughout Moldova, in order to allow farmers preserve their goods in safety and to get higher incomes.
The project, Development of the farming sector through the creation of a cross-border agricultural network, worth 2.4 million euros, is implemented jointly with partners from Romania and Ukraine, in order to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the agricultural sector. The project also sees the setting up of an online market for the promotion of agricultural products made in the cross-border zone. Also, among the project’s goals, there are the adaptation of goods’ quality to international standards and continuing the development of services of sorting, freezing and depositing.