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Moldovan PM chairs meeting to consider new concept of solid waste's management

19:13 | 07.11.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 7 November /MOLDPRES/ - Options of improving the management of solid waste in Moldova were analyzed at a today’s meeting chaired by Prime Minister Pavel Filip, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.  

The new concept of accumulation and processing of waste has almost been given final touches. As a result of its implementation, the access of residents, including the ones from villages, to the services of collecting waste will be enhanced substantially.

„It is important that we come up with a comprehensive approach and a nation-wide solution. I would like us to have this country project, which we should enforce, which is to be viable and welcomed by the local public administration,” the PM said.  

One of the solutions proposed for improving the process of waste management deals with minimizing the financial and human effort of the local public administration. In this respect, the participants in the meeting unveiled the estimative costs for the construction of the infrastructure for collecting waste, which would provide better conditions of sanitation for the local authorities. They also assessed the payment capacity of the beneficiaries of services and considered possibility to subsidize the tariffs for the socially vulnerable residents.     

The concept of management of solid waste will also establish the responsibilities of the authorities of all levels. Thus, the local public administration will be in charge of ensuring the process of settlement’s sanitation and the central public administration – of the transfer, sorting, recycling and processing of waste. To select the most sustainable and advantageous solution of accumulating and processing waste, the participants in the meeting  discussed possibility to implement options of depositing and co-processing, including the combination of these ways, depending on the country’s region.   

Prime Minister Pavel Filip demanded that a task notebook be worked out based on the concept unveiled. The tasks notebook is to estimate the costs for the construction of the infrastructure and purchasing the needed equipments. Subsequently, the task notebook will stay at the basis of elaboration a national project on the solid waste’s management.     






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