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Moldovan foreign minister to attend OSCE ministerial meeting in Milan

14:28 | 05.12.2018 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 December /MOLDPRES/- Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Tudor Ulianovschi will attend an annual meeting of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Ministerial Council, which will take place on 6-7 December 2018 in Milan, Italy, under the aegis of the Italian Presidency of this organization.

According to the MAEIE’s press service, the officials of the 57 participating states will discuss the developments occurred this year in the security in the OSCE area and will exchange views on the current issues on the agenda of the organization.

Special attention will be given to ways of strengthening cooperation by reviving "Helsinki spirit" to cope with new challenges to the security of the participating states and building of a common security and cooperation area. Ulianovschi will present the security issues faced by our country.

On the sidelines of the OSCE Forum in Milan, Ulianovschi will chair the GUAM meeting and the GUAM + Canada Forum. The agenda of the Moldovan official in Italy also includes a series of bilateral meetings with counterparts from other states.


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