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More and more Moldovans purchase electronic signature to use electronic public services

10:41 | 04.02.2019 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 4 February /MOLDPRES/- Number of private people who received in 2018, upon request, electronic signature, issued by the registration centre of Centre for Information Technologies in Finance (CTIF), almost doubled over the previous year. A number of 16.5 thousand people already use electronic signatures.

According to the CTIF press service, compared to 2016 the number of citizens holding electronic signatures increased almost three times.

CTIF specialists explain the upward trend of the number of people who want to own and use the electronic signature by extending the range of electronic public services and increasing people's confidence in the efficiency of these services. Traders can use electronic signature service to sign contract and documents remotely, saving time and financial resources, and the citizens can sign official documents, applications without going to the offices.

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