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Premier receives in audience villagers from northern locality of Moldova

15:55 | 08.12.2019 Category: Official

Chisinau, 08 December /MOLDPRES/ – Prime Minister, Ion Chicu, has visited on Saturday village Drepcauti, Briceni district. The visit was scheduled as a result of multiple calls coming from this locality, the government’s communication and protocol department has reported.

The inhabitants of Drepcauti have addressed 02 issues: the first is the conflict between the newly elected mayor, Angela Rurac, and the former mayor of Drepcauti, Ghenadie Ioxa, which prevents the entry of the new elected leadership, in the exercise of function.

Another problem addressed by a large number of locals is the access to the property lands which, in their words, is hindered by a businessman from Chisinau.

In the case of the first problem, after listening to both parties, the prime minister ordered the involvement of control authorities in examining the situation.

"This situation looks very ugly. Once the people have chosen the new leadership, it must activate. The law must be at the head of the table. We shall analise the activity of the former leadership of the mayor's office, and the guilty persons will be punished," said Ion Chicu.

In the case of the problem of access to land, PM has organised a hearing of the locals, within the mayor's office. It was formed a line of about 100 persons for audience at PM.

“I came here to find out the essence of the issue. I understand that the problem is deeper and derives from the involvement of local public authorities (APL) and law enforcement agencies operating in the territory. We shall definitely do an investigation on it,” said Ion Chicu.





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