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Speaker meets mayor of Godollo, Hungary

16:27 | 14.12.2019 Category: Official

Chisinau,  14 December /MOLDPRES/-Speaker Zinaida Greceanî met on Saturday the mayor of Godollo, Gyorgy Gemesi, during official visit to Hungary, at the invitation of Hungarian counterpart, the parliament’s communication and public relations department has reported.

Zinaida Greceanii expressed interest in collaboration of local public authorities and encouraged the twinning of Godollo with Soroca.

The Parliament delegation visited the Christmas House, as well as the Godollo Castle, where Empress Sisi lived.

The speaker pays an official visit to Hungary on 11-14 December. The parliamentary delegation is made up of the head of the commission on agriculture and food industry Radu Mudreac, deputy head of the committee Vladimir Bolea and chairman of the Public Administration Commission Vasile Bîtcă.

The parliamentary delegation had meetings with László Kövér, President of the National Assembly of Hungary, President of Hungary János Áder, Minister of Human Resources Miklós Kásler and István Jakab, Vice-President of the National Assembly and President of the Friendship Group with South-East Europe. Also, the speaker held a series of meetings with officials from the Hungarian Government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Agriculture.

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