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Fuel prices decreased, ANRE says

12:49 | 26.09.2022 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 26 Sep. /MOLDPRES/- Fuel prices in the Republic of Moldova have fallen last months. Thus, compared to the maximum values ​​in June, 95 petrol ended up being cheaper by about 10 lei, and diesel by 6.65 lei/liter.

According to the National Agency for Energy Regulation /ANRE/, the drop in oil and derivative products quotations recorded on the international stock exchanges is constantly felt domestically, which is due to the regulations applicable to the method of calculating fuel prices based on Platts quotations.

The drop is exclusively due to the decrease in Platts quotations, which in the last sessions reached below the level of $800/ton for petrol and below $1000/ton for diesel.

Thus, for tomorrow, the maximum selling prices of petrol will be 24.02 lei/liter, down by 0.05 lei than today and that of diesel 25.81 lei/liter (-0.21 lei).

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