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Moldovan head of state discusses cooperation with European institutions during visit to Paris

21:02 | 21.11.2022 Category: Official

Chisinau, 21 November /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today in Paris met European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi and Deputy Director-General for Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Katariná Mathernová.

According to the presidential press service, in discussions held with European officials, Maia Sandu referred to the current stage of the Moldova-European Union relations, in the context of the disastrous effects of Russia’s war against Ukraine on Moldova’s economy and energy security. The head of state thanked for the important support provided by the European Union to manage these crises. She reiterated the Moldovan governance’s commitment to speed up the process of the country’s European integration.   

President Maia Sandu stressed that the authorities worked on the fulfilment of those nine recommendations made by the European Commission, in the context of the giving of the status of country candidate for EU to Moldova. The reforms will enhance the capacities of the public institutions, especially the ones in charge of counteracting the corruption, will improve the justice sector and will boost the economy, so that the starting of negotiations on accession is possible next year.     

Photo: Presidency




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