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Moldovan foreign affairs minister to visit Luxembourg, Denmark

16:16 | 26.06.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, 26 June /MOLDPRES/ - Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs and European Integration Minister Nicu Popescu will pay two working visits, to Luxembourg and Copenhagen, on 26-28 June.    

According to the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Ministry’s (MAEIE) press service, in Luxembourg, at an invitation by the Swedish Presidency of the EU Council, Nicu Popescu will unveil the developments in the implementation of those nine recommendations of the European Commission within the General Affairs Council (GAC). GAC is made up of ministers and state secretaries in charge of European affairs of all EU member states and of high-ranking officials of EU. GAC is competent with a string of trans-sectoral fields of policy, among which the EU’s enlargement and the negotiations on accession. Also, during the visit, Minister Nicu Popescu will have bilateral meetings with more counterparts and officials of the European Union, including the prime minister of Luxembourg.      

In Copenhagen, the Moldovan diplomacy head will participate in a conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Copenhagen criteria. The Moldovan official will give a speech on the importance of the European Union’s enlargement and will have meetings with more high-ranking officials.  



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