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OSCE Parliamentary Assembly adopted resolution targeting Moldova

16:03 | 05.07.2023 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 5. /MOLDPRES/- A resolution targeting Moldova was adopted at the 30th annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. The resolution is part of the final Declaration, adopted by the OSCE parliamentarians during the event held on June 30 - July 4 in Canada.

According to the parliament's communication and public relations department, the Resolution is the joint effort of deputies Veronica Roșca, head of the Moldovan Parliament Delegation to OSCE PA and Dan Barna, head of the Romanian Delegation to the OSCE PA. The document was presented in Vancouver by deputy Dan Barna, who said that the resolution represents an active approach by Romania in supporting the Republic of Moldova and in keeping issues related to the country's border and the Transnistrian situation on the international political agenda.

The text of the resolution reads Moldova is one of the countries most affected by the consequences of the war in Ukraine. Despite its limited material resources and current security and economic threats posed by the Russian Federation, it has received hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens who have transited or found refuge in Moldova.

The resolution appreciates the Moldovan authorities' efforts to implement comprehensive and extensive reforms to strengthen the rule of law, fight corruption and create strong and efficient institutions.

At the same time, the OSCE PA deputies urge the Russian Federation to resume the withdrawal of its military troops and ammunition depots from the territory of the Republic of Moldova. The resolution also mentions that the 5+2 negotiations are suspended as a result of the Russian Federation's war of aggression against Ukraine and in this context, appreciates the efforts of the OSCE mission in Moldova aimed at facilitating, especially the dialogue in the 1+1 format both at the level of chief negotiators and the sectoral working groups. The OSCE PA also invites all relevant actors to initiate political discussions to transform the current peacekeeping operation in the Transnistrian region into a multilateral civilian mission under an international mandate.

Photo: Parliament


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