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President visits family of local entrepreneurs in south Moldova village

12:02 | 19.08.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 19 August /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has visited the family Minciuna during a trip to the Slobozia Mare village, southern Cahul district, the presidential press service reported.   

„I met ingenious and diligent people in this yard from this picturesque village. With the help of foreign partners, of the support received on behalf of the Lower Prut Meadow Local Action Group (GAL), as well as with the support of the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA), the members of the family develop their business and enrich the regional tourist route,’’ the head of state said.   

Following an experience in the vine-growing and wine-making sectors, gained in Moldova and New Zealand, in 2020, Nicolae set a wine cellar at his home with the brand, Domeniile Pană (Pană Domains). He annually produces 4,000 bottles of wine of Premium class, which he will soon start exporting to Germany. Also, with the help of the Women in Business programme within ODA, which backs popular craftsmen, Ina, the wife of Nicolae, promotes the traditional style specific to the region, by making bags, clothes, footwear and carpets out of wool and cotton. The spouses are set to open also a mansion to host tourists. Nicolae’s mother, aunt Maria, has a gastronomic workshop, where tourists can learn to cook dishes as in the southern region of Moldova.     

„The Minciuna family is an example that people who work a lot and put soul in what they do manage to turn their ideas into prosperous business. We will further support people who have courage to open local businesses and to promote the rural tourism,’’ President Maia Sandu said.    

Photo: Presidency  







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