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Moldovan government to allocate 200 million lei for backing farmers

11:31 | 21.08.2023 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 21 August /MOLDPRES/ - The government at a today’s meeting will allocate 200 million lei for backing farmers. Prime Minister Dorin Recean has made statements to this effect at the beginning of a cabinet meeting.     

„We will allocate the 200 million lei to farmers. This is an effort made by the entire society, all social strata, so that we help those who have losses last year and this year. This is a necessary effort. The agriculture benefits from a massive subsidization of 1.7 billion lei. We want the agriculture to gradually become more equipped with technologies and less vulnerable to problems from outside. The assistance provided today and earlier must help some of the farmers overcome the difficulties they have and I hope that they appreciate the effort made by the entire society,’’ Dorin Recean said.      

According to data by the Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture, since the beginning of this year till present, more than 1.93 billion lei (96.5 million euros) have reached accounts of farmers in form of subsidies, which is by 17 per cent more against the same period of 2022.    


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