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Joint inspections take place at five Latin-script schools renting buildings in Transnistrian region

18:50 | 22.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 22 August /MOLDPRES/ - Joint inspections on 21-22 August took place at five out of those eight Latin-script schools which have contracts on lease of buildings in the Transnistrian region. Representatives of the Reintegration Policies Bureau, Education and Research Ministry, Agency for Technical Supervision and National Public Health Agency participated in the inspections, the Reintegration Policies Bureau has reported.   

On 21 August, inspections took place at the Constantin Sucitu Gymnasium from the Corjova village, Roghi Gymnasium from the Dubasari district and the Evrika Theoretical Lyceum from the Rabnita city and on 22 August – at the Lucian Blaga Theoretical Lyceum from Tiraspol and Alexandru cel Bun Theoretical Lyceum from Bender.    

In the context, during the visit to the Roghi Gymnasium, concerns were expressed both on behalf of the education institution’s administration and of the Bureau about the good carrying out of the education process. For politicized reasons, so far, the Tiraspol administration has not expressed openness for carrying out works of repair of roads on the Cocieri plateau; one of them is in front of the Roghi Gymnasium; thus, a real risk of earth falls persists on the area of the education institution.   

During the visit to the Tiraspol-based Lucian Blaga Theoretical Lyceum, decision-makers pointed out the issue of lack of a sports hall, which makes difficult the proper carrying out of the education process and the problems needs to be solved. They repeatedly asked for the involvement of the Tiraspol representatives, in order to identify the best solution in the children’s interest.   

The lack of buildings for the Latin-script schools from the Transnistrian region creates a less predictable educational environment and triggers a string of difficulties for these education institutions.      

Nevertheless, following the assessment of the level of observance of the sanitary and epidemiological requirements in force and of the anti-fire protection rules, the competent experts from both banks of Dniester found out that the concerned gymnasiums and lyceums were prepared for the resumption of the education process in the 2023-2024 school year.   

The good carrying out of the education process, the free movement of pupils, teachers, administration of the education institution, teaching materials and assets needed for the education process, the continuous development of an advanced and qualitative education process are in the permanent focus of Moldova’s authorities.   

Photo: Reintegration Policies Bureau









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