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Moldovan parliament speaker meets justice minister of Romania

16:41 | 23.08.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 23 August /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu today had a meeting with Justice Minister of Romania Alina-Stefania Gorghiu, on a visit to Chisinau, the parliament’s communication and public relations department has reported.

The speaker thanked Romania for the constant attention and support provided to Moldova, both on the dimension of accession to the European Union and in such an important sector as justice.

The officials tackled diverse subjects on the agenda of Moldova’s parliament. The sides also discussed the reform in the justice sector, the need to strengthen the institutions in charge of fighting corruption, consolidate the probation system, recover the damage and sanction all those who cause damages to the state. ‘‘The justice reform will be carried through, no matter the resistance in the system, as we each time proved that the people’s voice is stronger,’’ Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu said.   

At the same time, at the meeting, the two officials agreed on the need to consolidate the efforts, in order to back the justice reformation process. At the same time, the sides found out that, in certain fields, such as the online misinformation, joint actions were necessary, in order to combat this phenomenon.

Photo: Parliament



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