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Moldovan Public Services Agency urges citizens with right to vote to check validity of identity acts

12:59 | 25.08.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 August /MOLDPRES/ - The Public Services Agency (ASP) urges Moldova’s citizens with right to vote to check the validity of their identity acts, in the context of the general local elections due on 5 November 2023.  

„The identity acts of Moldova’s citizen, which had the inscription on registration at place of residence overleaf became invalid starting the moment of the erasing of their holders from records. The holders of the identity acts can verify the validity of the identity acts on the official webpage of the Public Services Agency,’’ the institution said.     

If the identity acts are not valid or expire on the immediately next period, decision-makers recommend their exchanging at any multifunctional centre of the Public Services Agency, no matter the place of registration at the residence and/or the temporary place of residence, ASP noted.  

The general local elections will take place on 5 November this year. As many as 3,301,121 voters were recorded in the State Register of Voters on 1 August 2023.  

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