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Moldovan president congratulates all Moldova's citizens on Independence Day

08:56 | 27.08.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 27 August /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has conveyed a congratulation to all citizens, on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the Republic of Moldova’s Independence Day: 

„In their eyes, Moldova is rich – built on their work, heritage conveyed to the children.

In their eyes, Moldova has future – edified at home with confidence.

In their eyes, Moldova is in peace and safety – for the beloved people, for the nation.

In their eyes, Moldova is everywhere in the world – the man blesses the place.

In their eyes, Moldova develops – through the valuable work of each one.

In their eyes, Moldova is nice – it grows in our hands.

Our people are reflected with pride in the eyes of Moldova.

Congratulations, Moldova!’’  

Photo: Presidency

                  /Presidency’s Press Service - MOLDPRES/



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