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Joint Control Commission holds meeting in Bender

17:15 | 07.09.2023 Category: Official

Chisinau, 7 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Joint Control Commission (JCC), at a today’s meeting, heard the reports of the Joint Military Command on the situation in the Security Zone during the last August, the Reintegration Policies Bureau has reported.  

Representatives of the OSCE Mission in Moldova informed that they had made 14 trips in last August, in order to monitor the perimeter of the Security Zone.  

In the context, Moldova’s Delegation pointed to the fact that illegal posts continued to be in the area of responsibility of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces.   

The Moldovan Delegation noted that these posts had been set abusively by the Transnistrian power-wielding structures, by defying the acts which stay at the basis of the peacekeeping operation at Dniester. The delegation also reiterated the demand to unconditionally remove these posts and ensure the free movement in the Security Zone.



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