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Pre-Vetting Commission of Moldova resumes procedure of evaluation of candidates for Supreme Council of Magistracy

15:48 | 08.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 8 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Pre-Vetting Commission today informed that it resumed the evaluation of 21 candidates to offices of the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) and Superior Council of Prosecutors (CSP), after the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) had admitted their appeals.   

The Pre-Vetting Commission today notified those 21 candidates about the starting of the concerned procedure.  

After the Supreme Court of Justice had considered the decisions, the Pre-Vetting Commission elaborated more amendments to its Regulation on organization and work. Thus, to tackle the problems invoked by CSJ, within the resumed evaluation, the Commission can send to the candidate questions and requests of documents, to the extent to which they are needed to clarify the aspects coming from the Court’s rulings. Candidates can also present additional evidence in certain circumstances. If the doubts regarding a candidate are not thus removed, the candidate will receive from the Commission a notification of the deeds and doubts as to his/her ethic or financial integrity. The candidates can answer in written form the Commission’s notification, while the hearings will not be compulsory.       

During the resumed evaluation, the Commission will continue enforcing the provisions of the Law No 26/2022, as well as the amended Regulation on organization and work.   

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