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Job Fair returns to Moldovan capital with new jobs

15:41 | 14.09.2023 Category: Social

Chisinau, 14 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Job Fair returns to Chisinau this autumn with a new edition on 27 and 28 October. The event will bring together dozens of companies form diverse fields of work, which provide over 1,000 jobs.    

According to the organizers, the participants in the Job Fair will discuss face-to-face with employers from diverse sectors of activity and will be able to consult the supply of jobs locally, as well as from abroad. Over 2,500 candidates took part in the last spring issue and the organizers expect a larger number at the event due in next October.   

“Even if, in the digital age, it is quite easy to apply for a certain job online, the face-to-face interaction with employers is essential and can help you easier get a job. At the same time, the recruiting events organized with physical presence give companies opportunity to gain more fame on the labour market, through displaying the brand of employer, as well as to more efficiently recruit people fit for the jobs available,’’ a PR manager at the Job Fair, Maria Petruta, said.      

The event will take place at the Nicolae Sulac National Palace on 27-28 October during 10:00-17:00. The job fair is organized traditionally twice per year – in spring and in autumn.



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